Seo Spiders – What Do They Hunger For?

While watching some multilevel marketing (MLM) training videos last week, I found some really compelling training about search engine optimization, or “SEO”. Simply put, “How can we get our articles to rank within the top 5 results when searched on Google to promote our online MLM?” So, while watching these videos, and seeing how much there is to learn, I thought this would be a great topic to write about in my blog. I won’t be able to cover everything, but I can give some real insider’s secrets.

But what information does Google use to determine who gets the highest rankings? Well they usually look at two key ingredients. 1. How old is the page? And 2. How many links point to it? So we need a page with time to mature (which we have no control over), and then we need lots of links pointing to it with plenty of anchor text matching your target keywords. For example, if your article is about a prominent business leader in MLM, be sure to mention his/her name a few times throughout the article. Don’t overdo it, though… You don’t want to sound like you are throwing the name around in every sentence!

Keyword selection and placement. Keyword is key to boosting your site. It affects many aspects in site establishment and maintenance. From your URL and tags to your content and links, using the right keyword is crucial. This can determine the difference between a high and a low rank.

Multiple, specific subheadlines create immediate context when a visitor is exploring your site. Make sure they can always see at least one headline on the screen. Like magazine index headlines, they are summaries of what is to come.

Using seo correctly can help your site to reach the top of the Google, Yahoo and Bing search pages! SEO can also increase your traffic enormously! As these two goals are paramount to having a successful internet business, you can certainly see why there is so much buzz about seo expert in singapore.

Now that you already have an idea how to get targeted traffic, you might want to know why you should take the steps to do it. Sure, there might be “benefits” for you for doing this, but how would you know that they work? What are the physical manifestations that your efforts are translating into something?

This week however, I realized I was not “walking the talk” 100% of the time, so I’m here to come clean with you. Nearly two years ago, I needed a new website for my business. I met with several experienced local web design firms. But along the way, I also met someone who had used a – let’s just say more economical- web designer from out of state. And that’s the route I chose.

This can be a time consuming process that’s for sure. However, in the end of the rewards for online SEO marketing are well worth it. The more specific you are with the keyword phrase you are targeting the more targeted your prospects will be. It’s important if you want to master online SEO marketing that you focus on one method at a time. These are methods that are easy enough you can be do one thing each day and bring targeted traffic to your site. That is exactly what makes online SEO marketing so great.