Business Partners & Marital Partners Will The Marriage Survive – Part Ii

Here are some pointers of what to do and what not to do when it comes to dealing with employees. Please follow this principle, lest you want to get sued by somebody who has all of the time and energy in the world to get to the end of a very long (or not so long) workplace harassment trial.

Be careful what you say about your job/supervisor on Facebook and other social media sites. You never know who’s watching your page and listening to your tweets.

Expect a reaction termination personal reasons : if your boss is not conscious or your feelings, this decision might be a surprise. Your boss could get emotional or even confrontational so be ready and stick to your comments that you’ve prepared.

Some people never find that this crucial balance. Of course, you do build professional relationships with your co-workers, even though it’s ideal to keep most employees at”arm’s length” so you will never have to compromise your role in handling HR. For the most part, keep your personal life separate from your work life. It will pay off for you in the long term.

Losing a job is always an emotional situation once we go through different feelings: that of disbelief, anger and resignation. It is OK to feel sad and angry but you should avoid acting out your own emotions. Always stay professional. Once you’re made redundant and received a letter from your now ex company, show your internal strength. Say polite”thank you” and”goodbye” to the management and colleagues; do not burn bridges by getting furious and shouting. Make your departure graceful and leave a positive impression. You may run into your ex bosses later in your career and you’ll also need references. So stay calm and in control.

Post your items. The first step in doing so is identifying the best class for your items. Then, you can start submitting your arbetsbrist items by giving them clear descriptions together with crisp photographs. Remember to be quite honest when writing your descriptions, if your items are faulty or need repair, be sure to include that. Remember, honesty is still the best policy in eBay.

RULE #14: Appreciate. If you are giving them complex tasks or long hours which are beyond what you and your worker originally agreed to, pay them so. You’re not running a slave factory, are you? And if you are paying them less than what they deserve, then make it up to them by giving them a bonus or a raise shortly thereafter. Employees aren’t tables or chairs, they’re living, breathing living beings and they have families and lives. You or your company is not the middle of their universe. Make it known you appreciate their work verbally or by actions. Keep them loyal or else they walk (in some cases sooner than you think).

5) Understand that you will have to explain your dismissal. Potential employers will find out anyway, so this is your one chance to answer the question before it is even asked and to influence the decisionmaker’s opinion about you. Explain you ran into a difficult situation with your last employer and that trying to make them happy just did not work out, which is why you left. Bring up the point that you’ve got great references from previous employers who can speak to your skills and productivity.